Rep. Vella In the News

Rep. Vella Reflects on his Grandfather’s Contributions to the Community

Rep. Vella Responds to Gas Tax Concerns

Rep. Vella Weighs in on Illinois Budget

State Rep. Vella Sponsors Bill Extending Tax Credits

State Rep. Vella Advocates for All Candidates to Run in Primaries

Rep. Vella joins RPS 205 Board Members for lunch

Rep. Vella supports Tech Bill through Illinois House

Rep. Vella Recognizes Dr. Karen Moses in honor of Women’s Physician Day

State Rep. Vella presents Rockford Navy Club Ship #1 with $50,000 for kitchen renovations, Illinois flag

Illinois Department of the Lottery names its Springfield building The E.J. “Zeke” Giorgi Lottery building

Alleged hazing offenders can't use victims' consent as defense if Pritzker signs bill (SB 2934)